Security measures against covid-19


The use of masks is mandatory at all times, at the entrance, exit and during the show.

At the entrance it will be mandatory to wash your hands with hydroalcoholic gel that will be made available to the public.

Respect the safety distance and follow the instructions of the staff to enter and exit the building.

Attend the event well in advance to avoid congestion.

Los asistentes deben permanecer sentados en sus butacas durante todo el espectáculo.

Event record, News / 10 November, 2023

Adinberri Silver Forum Congress

The Adinberri Silver Forum (ASF) Congress, the first international forum on the longevity economy to be held in the Basque Country, was held on 8 and 9 November at the Kursaal. This event was attended […]

News / 24 October, 2023

The 3rd Turespaña Convention brings together more than 500 tourism managers in San Sebastián

These days the III Turespaña Convention brings together in Kursaal more than 500 tourism managers from the private sector and the different administrations – central and Basque governments, provincial and local councils – to debate […]

News / 14 October, 2023

San Sebastian Gastronomika closes «the best edition in its 25-year history»

San Sebastian Gastronomika-Euskadi Basque Country closes with the best congress in its 25 years of existence, not only because of the record number of visitors or the quality of the programme and the chefs who […]

News / 5 October, 2023

The 3rd Turespaña Convention on sustainable tourism to be held in San Sebastian

The Spanish Tourism Institute (Turespaña) and the Donostia / San Sebastián City Council, through Donostia San Sebastián Turismoa, will organise the 3rd Turespaña Convention, from 23 to 25 October, at the Kursaal Conference Centre. They […]

News / 13 September, 2023

‘Gradients’, la obra audiovisual creada en Tabakalera por el colectivo artístico Playmodes, viste la fachada del Kursaal

El Centro Internacional de Cultura Contemporánea Tabakalera, como centro de apoyo a la creación, y el Palacio de Congresos Kursaal, en su apuesta por la innovación y la difusión cultural, han unido fuerzas una vez […]

News / 27 June, 2023

The Kursaal and the Miramar Palace have registered a strong congress activity in the first half of the year

During the first half of 2023, the Kursaal  Congress Centre and the Miramar Palace have become the scene of vibrant congress and meeting activity. Both venues hosted a total of 12 congresses, 6 of which were […]

News / 26 June, 2023

KOSK, a new gastronomic proposal in which quality, identity and sustainability go hand in hand

Kursaal has launched a renewed gastronomic proposal under the name of KOSK. Identity and ingenuity go hand in hand in the exclusive catering offer for those attending congresses and events at the palace, which invites […]

News / 16 May, 2023

Congreso SEMFYC 2023

Más de 1500 profesionales de la salud se reunieron durante los días 11, 12 y 13 de mayo en el Congreso de la semFYC – Sociedad Española de Medicina de Familia y Comunitaria bajo el […]

News / 29 March, 2023

C de C 2023

Kursaal acoge un año más el c de c 2023, el mayor encuentro de la industria de la comunicación y las marcas, que celebra su XX edición. La periodista Ana Pastor, el actor y director […]

News / 13 March, 2023

X Congreso Náutico de ANEN

Cerca de medio millar de profesionales de la industria y empresas del sector náutico participaron los días 9 y 10 de marzo en el X Congreso Náutico, organizado por la Asociación Nacional de Empresas Náuticas […]

News / 16 February, 2023

Balance del Kursaal 2022: cierra el año en cifras prepandémicas con récord de actividad cultural e importante recuperación congresual

Kursaal ha presentado esta mañana en rueda de prensa el balance de actividad de 2022, un año que comenzó con aforos reducidos hasta febrero, pero que ha mostrado una magnífica recuperación de la actividad. El […]

News / 16 February, 2023

El Programa Enbaxadore reconoce a siete nuevos profesionales

Siete profesionales de diferentes ámbitos de la ciudad han sido nombrados nuevos embajadores de San Sebastián, en el marco del Programa Enbaxadore, promovido por el Convention Bureau de Donostia San Sebastián Turismoa, y el Palacio […]

News / 23 December, 2022

The digital art piece Estel, created in Tabakalera, is the protagonist of the Kursaal’s Christmas lights

● Kursaal is once again working with Tabakalera, and specifically with its space for experimentation and citizen creation, Medialab, to develop a new digital art proposal. ● Alba G. Corral is the author of Estel, […]

News / 19 December, 2022

The new season at Kursaal Eszena delivers a mix of old masters and new talent

● The Popular Music program for the coming months includes concerts by French singer Zaz, as well as Jethro Tull, Ojete Calor, Steve Hackett. ● The Classical Music program brings us performances by the Salzburg […]

News / 7 October, 2022

The 24th edition of San Sebastian Gastronomika pays tribute to the new cuisine of the United Kingdom, with the slogan ‘United Kulinary’

San Sebastian Gastronomika Euskadi Basque Country closed its 24th edition with a vindication of the gastronomy of generosity as opposed to that of competition. “Before starting this congress I thought it was going to be […]

News / 30 September, 2022

Kursaal y Tabakalera vuelven a colaborar en una nueva propuesta de arte digital

‘Entremaliat’ la obra de la artista Alba G. Corral, desarrollada en Medialab Tabakalera, se proyectó en la fachada del Kursaal dentro de la programación de la segunda edición de Irekiak Gallery Weekend. El Centro Internacional […]