Covid Protocol and security measures
The Kursaal Conference Centre and Auditorium is well aware of the great responsibility it has towards its users and clients. Even more so in the current context, where the outbreak of COVID19 makes it necessary to establish protocols to ensure that the reopening of the facilities does not increase the risk of community contagion.
Therefore, following the recommendations and guidelines of the health authorities, and once the risks have been identified and analysed, we have implemented protective measures in our services and facilities, in order to reduce the risks of exposure to the coronavirus as much as possible and thus guarantee the safety and health of people, both visitors, customers and technical staff.
The measures included in this document are under continuous review in accordance with the updating and adaptation of current regulations concerning COVID19.
The aim of this protocol is to identify the elements that will be most affected by the necessary hygiene and safety measures involved in COVID-19 and to propose a set of measures and actions to deal with the reopening of the congress and cultural activity. This document proposes general and specific safety and prevention measures for the development of the activity adapted to the new situation.
1. Cleaning, disinfection and maintenance of facilities
- Prior to each event, the cleaning and disinfection of the facilities to which the public has access will be carried out, with special attention to door handles, table surfaces, chair armrests, handrails, bathroom surfaces, taps, toilets, access points and, in general, elements that may be frequently touched by several people.
- All areas likely to be used and passed through by users shall be cleaned daily or according to the frequency of use and public flows.
- Hydroalcoholic gel dispensers shall be placed at the entrance to the toilets and shall be properly signposted to ensure their compulsory use before and after the use of taps and toilets.
- Air renewal system. The “freecooling” ventilation system shall always be set to the maximum for maximum air renewal.
- The necessary means shall be provided to direct the flow of the public. Entrance to the venue shall be staggered and at appropriate safety distances. The venue staff will accompany the public inside the facilities.
- A safety distance shall be maintained both at the ticket offices and at the entrances to the halls and toilets by means of clearly identifiable floor markings.
- The use of lifts shall be limited to the capacity established by law, giving priority to the use of stairs.
- The use of masks shall be compulsory inside the facilities.
- Hydroalcoholic gel shall be dispensed at the entrance to the venue.
- Technical, locker and room staff shall be properly equipped with PPE. All personnel will be duly trained in protocols for reception and action in the event of a COVID19 health emergency.