Security measures against covid-19


The use of masks is mandatory at all times, at the entrance, exit and during the show.

At the entrance it will be mandatory to wash your hands with hydroalcoholic gel that will be made available to the public.

Respect the safety distance and follow the instructions of the staff to enter and exit the building.

Attend the event well in advance to avoid congestion.

Los asistentes deben permanecer sentados en sus butacas durante todo el espectáculo.


Gastronomy is one of the main attractions of Donostia-San Sebastián and we want all the people attending to your event at the Kursaal Congress Center can enjoy it.

Identity and ingenuity

Identity and originality come together in KOSK, the exclusive gastronomic proposal for those attending congresses and events at the Kursaal, that invites you to discover our culture.

Reinvented local recipes in which local, quality produce is the main protagonist.
All our dishes are prepared in the Kursaal’s own kitchen, guaranteeing freshness and immediacy.

At the head of the Kursaal gastronomy is the team of IXO Grupo, a Basque business group specialized in haute cuisine and led by Bixente Arrieta and chef Andoni Luis Aduriz, with two Michelin stars and an internationally renowned career.


Versatility and experience

A restless and versatile team, with more than 20 years of experience in catering at the Kursaal, advises and accompanies the organiser throughout the event, helping them to choose the service that best suits each need and the profile of the attendees.

With Kosk everything is possiblegastronomically speaking: from a healthy coffee break, to a cocktail with local Eusko-Label certification, to a gala dinner with sea views in the foyer or a snack inspired by the pintxo bars of San Sebastian.

We are fluent and masterful in any type of service, from a breakfast for 50 people to a dinner for 1800. All of this, adapting to the dietary restrictions of the attendees, to cultural and religious diversity and to new lifestyles.







Conscious kitchen

LSSocial and environmental awareness is a cross-cutting value in Kosk’s kitchen. Our facilities are eco-efficient, reducing the environmental impact of energy and water consumption.

In addition, we prioritize local products, reducing our carbon footprint, and seasonal products, promoting healthy habits.

We try to avoid single-use items, but if we must resort to them, we look for biodegradable options. We monitor food usage closely, to avoid waste and maximize utilization.

If there are still surpluses, we try to redistribute them internally and also externally, through non-profit associations. Waste is also separated selectively.

On a social level, as well as being committed to gender equality, we generate contexts of well-being for the people who form part of our team, favoring work-life balance and
continuous training.



Our new Bar / Restaurant in the Kursaal

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