Security measures against covid-19


The use of masks is mandatory at all times, at the entrance, exit and during the show.

At the entrance it will be mandatory to wash your hands with hydroalcoholic gel that will be made available to the public.

Respect the safety distance and follow the instructions of the staff to enter and exit the building.

Attend the event well in advance to avoid congestion.

Los asistentes deben permanecer sentados en sus butacas durante todo el espectáculo.

58 Jazzaldia / Rocío Márquez & BRONQUIO

58 Jazzaldia / Rocío Márquez & BRONQUIO

Auditorium Kursaal

July 2023
Tuesday 25, 17:30

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Rocío Márquez & BRONQUIO

Rocío Márquez (vocals, bodies), Bronquio (programming, synth)

Rocío Márquez and Bronquio will present their latest work at the 58th Jazzaldia: Tercer Cielo (2022), a ground-breaking CD critically acclaimed as one of the best in recent years, a fantastic album that may well go down as one of the most important in the flamenco world, a milestone in flamenco history and evolution, a true masterpiece.

Tercer Cielo (2022) is a journey from the familiar to the unexplored, from tradition to avant-garde, drawing on vastly different styles and backgrounds: Bronquio’s urban-cum-electronic music combined with Márquez’s flamenco and singing. A flamenco yet electronic album featuring the singer-songwriter’s voice, sometimes clearly and at others distorted or filtered by Bronquio, who also brings beats and sound atmospheres that submerge us in that unknown dimension to which his work takes us.

And as if that weren’t enough, there are also the words, with their references to Saint Augustine, to Federico García Lorca and to Miguel de Unamuno, written by Rocío Márquez herself, by Carmen Macho, Macky Chuca, Luis García Montero and Antonio Manuel.

At the end of the day, a complex album, full of musical shades and textures, with surprises and twists, with poetry, art, feeling and contrasts: delicate and striking, old and new, subtle and coarse, experimental and accessible, simple and convoluted, flamenco and electronic, dense and fluid, traditional and cutting-edge, yesterday and tomorrow…

Rocío Márquez
Rocío Márquez is a accomplished flamenco singer-songwriter, a definition that falls short when explaining the woman herself. She is also a flamenco expert, scholar, teacher and lecturer. Added to this knowledge and love of the flamenco tradition are her restless nature and curiosity, her refusal to toe the line, her need to push the boundaries, to cross borders, to experiment and explore. All this combined with her performative versatility, her enormous artistic talent and her marvellous voice, gives us an idea of who Rocío Márquez really is, while helping us to understand why this artist has become a leading light of today’s flamenco world.

The singer from Huelva has harvested a legion of awards and recognitions. Worthy of mention are her first accolade in 2008, the Lampara Minera at the Festival de La Unión, and her latest, in 2020, the Les Victoires du Jazz Award for Best World Music Album, won for the first time ever by a Spanish artist.

Throughout her career, Rocío Márquez has performed on myriad small stages and at flamenco associations while also appearing in the big theatres and auditoriums such as the Teatro Real, the Palau de la Música and the Olympia in Paris. She has even played at indie and pop-rock fests like Primavera Sound and Monkey Week.

Márquez has worked with countless artists: Jorge Drexler, Kiko Veneno, Raül Refree, Dani de Morón, Niño de Elche, Diego Carrasco, Marinah, Christina Rosenvinge, Alber Plá and Bronquio himself.

The musician and producer Santiago Gonzalo, aka Bronquio, started out in hardcore and punk rock before turning to electronic music. With no more than 3 EPs to his name as a musician and his production work with artists including Kiko Veneno, Natalia Lacunza and Anaju, he has earned himself a place as one of the sensations of the Spanish electronic scene.


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