Security measures against covid-19


The use of masks is mandatory at all times, at the entrance, exit and during the show.

At the entrance it will be mandatory to wash your hands with hydroalcoholic gel that will be made available to the public.

Respect the safety distance and follow the instructions of the staff to enter and exit the building.

Attend the event well in advance to avoid congestion.

Los asistentes deben permanecer sentados en sus butacas durante todo el espectáculo.

IQARUS – International Workshop on Quantum Antimonides Research & Upscaling

IQARUS – International Workshop on Quantum Antimonides Research & Upscaling

Multipurpose rooms

1-3 july

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Quantimony was launched in December 2020 to foster industrial and academic research in the field of antimony-based semiconductor materials. With a duration of 48 months, Quantimony brings together seven universities, one research institute, two large companies and one SME, reinforced by fourteen partner organisations, to provide high-level training for 14 early-stage researchers in the field of III-Sb semiconductors. The programme covers all aspects of scientific and engineering training, from materials growth to industrial exploitation.

The IQARUS workshop is funded by the MSCA-ITN – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN) programme:
QUANTIMONY: Quantum Semiconductor Technologies exploiting Antimony as part of its outreach activities.

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