News / 6 February, 2024
Yesterday we had the pleasure of the presence of Nekane Lekuona, a member of the Aspanogi association, who explained in more detail the work they do.
Wishing to act responsibly and do our bit for less fortunate people and groups, once again this year, as part of our Christmas gift initiative, we have donated the full amount to an NGO. This year the chosen association was ASPANOGI, Association of families of children with cancer in Gipuzkoa. A non-profit organisation that celebrated its 25th anniversary last year, whose mission is to improve the quality of life of children with cancer and their families from the moment they are diagnosed, throughout and after the disease, offering comprehensive care (accompaniment, psychological and human care.) We thank all the companies that have participated in this cause and we invite you to find out more about the important work carried out by this association.
More information: https://aspanogi.org/