Security measures against covid-19


The use of masks is mandatory at all times, at the entrance, exit and during the show.

At the entrance it will be mandatory to wash your hands with hydroalcoholic gel that will be made available to the public.

Respect the safety distance and follow the instructions of the staff to enter and exit the building.

Attend the event well in advance to avoid congestion.

Los asistentes deben permanecer sentados en sus butacas durante todo el espectáculo.

News / 12 December, 2023

Both venues have hosted 108 events with more than 76,000 attendees in the last four months of the year.

The Kursaal and the Miramar Palace have hosted a significant amount of congress and meeting activity this autumn. In total, both venues have hosted 17 congresses and conventions, 8 trade fairs and 83 conferences with more than 76,000 attendees. These events have served as a platform for the exchange of knowledge and innovation in a wide range of sectors.

The last four months of the year saw some of the unmissable events on the Kursaal calendar, such as the San Sebastian Film Festival in September and San Sebastian Gastronomika-Euskadi Basque Country in October, which celebrated its 25th anniversary in a record edition with 14,712 attendees of 48 nationalities, 1,468 congress participants and 413 accredited journalists.

Within the framework of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union - San Sebastian being the Spanish Capital of the Social Economy throughout 2023 - the Kursaal hosted the European Social Economy Conference, which brought together institutional representatives of the highest level, and FESLAN, the Social Economy Employment Fair and Congress, organised by the Basque Government's Public Employment Service.

Other events held this autumn included the 3rd Turespaña Convention, which focused on the sustainable transformation of tourism, the CONAIF National Congress, the Adinberri Silver Forum - the First International Silver Economy Forum in the Basque Country, the AMLaP Congress, organised by the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL), the 9th Top 100 Medical Laser Congress and the Spanish Association of Tax Advisors (AEDAF) Congress, among others.

On the other hand, the Miramar Palace has hosted important events, such as the 10th International Congress on Digital Health or the International Congress on Equality organised by Emakunde. In turn, social events such as the closing party of the Film Festival, the dinner celebrating the 25th anniversary of San Sebastian Gastronomika or the opening cocktail of the Turespaña Convention have also chosen the incomparable setting of the Miramar Palace as a meeting place.

The diversity and magnitude of the events held are evidence of San Sebastian's versatility as a congress venue, contributing to the exchange of knowledge through meetings. The Kursaal and the Miramar Palace are thus positioned as an indispensable lever for economic development and social transformation, both for industries and key sectors of the territory.

Kursaal cierra su 25º aniversario en un excelente estado de forma

Kursaal y el Palacio Miramar crecen con fuerza, sobre máximos históricos con un aumento del 14,2% en ingresos  Las dos sedes han acogido 537 eventos que atrajeron a más de 400 mil asistentes    Kursaal […]


Electronic music and innovation Congress that positions Donostia as a meeting point for electronic music linked to innovation and inclusion. Through a programme of presentations, round tables and performances, professionals and artists have shared experiences […]

Guitarricadelafuente se incorpora a la oferta de música popular de Kursaal Eszena con un concierto el 4 de junio

Las entradas para este concierto se ponen a la venta el 7 de febrero a las 11:00 am. Los Eszena Kides se podrán beneficiar de una preventa de 48 horas. Este viernes 7 de febrero, […]