Security measures against covid-19


The use of masks is mandatory at all times, at the entrance, exit and during the show.

At the entrance it will be mandatory to wash your hands with hydroalcoholic gel that will be made available to the public.

Respect the safety distance and follow the instructions of the staff to enter and exit the building.

Attend the event well in advance to avoid congestion.

Los asistentes deben permanecer sentados en sus butacas durante todo el espectáculo.

Your space to have dialogue, to feel and to grow

San Sebastian, captivates visitors at first sight

A human team that is committed to excellence in service

Avant-garde and sustainability


Kursaal Eszena2

Camera room
Saturday 29th March / 18:00

Kursaal Eszena2

Auditorium Kursaal
Tuesday 08th April / 19:30

Kursaal Eszena2

Auditorium Kursaal
Wednesday 07th May / 19:30

Kursaal Eszena2

Camera room
Saturday 17th May / 18:00

Kursaal Eszena2

Auditorium Kursaal
Tuesday 27th May / 19:30

Kursaal Eszena2

Auditorium Kursaal
Wednesday 28th May / 19:30

Kursaal Eszena2

Auditorium Kursaal
Wednesday 04th June / 19:30

Kursaal Eszena2

Auditorium Kursaal
Thursday 03th July / 19:30

Fotografía de Miguel Poveda

Auditorium Kursaal
Friday 21th February / 20:00

Auditorium Kursaal
Saturday 22th February / 19:00 | 21:30

Auditorium Kursaal
Sunday 09th March / 19:00

Kursaal's highest quality and prestigious cultural program


Guitarricadelafuente se incorpora a la oferta de música popular de Kursaal Eszena con un concierto el 4 de junio

Las entradas para este concierto se ponen a la venta el 7 de febrero a las 11:00 am. Los Eszena Kides se podrán beneficiar de una preventa de 48 horas. Este viernes 7 de febrero, […]

 “La Traviata” en versión concierto dramatizado abre la nueva temporada de Kursaal Eszena

Bajo la dirección musical de Perry So y dramatización de Iñigo Santacana, interpretarán la ópera de Verdi un elenco solista encabezado por Mar Morán (que sustituye a Nina Minasyan), Santiago Ballerini y Juan Jesús Rodríguez, […]

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Event record / Testimonials

17th International Symposium of the World Society of Victimology
Gema Varona, Permanent PhD Researcher at the San Sebastian Basque Institute of Criminology (UPV/EHU)

"We love the Kursaal venue. It is very representative and also to be able to have the lighting on the façade is a luxury as it informs the whole city of what we are doing"

Miramar Palace

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